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As a Batter of Fact...

General Information 

1. How frequently are your products baked? 
Our goodies are baked fresh every day, continuously throughout the day, to bring you the freshest products possible. 


2. How long is the shelf life for your products? 

While each product is slightly different, generally speaking the products are meant to be eaten as quickly as possible to ensure maximum freshness and flavor. Since air will naturally dry out the products over time, keeping them in air-tight containers at cool temperatures will extend the freshness for two to three days. 


3.What if I don’t have any food allergies? Is Sweet Freedom Bakery still for me? 

There are many health benefits of avoiding traditional bakery ingredients. Refined, bleached flours and sugar wreak havoc on your insulin levels, zap your energy, and cause you to become addicted. Butter and dairy can contain saturated animal fat that can raise inflammation and cholesterol levels in the body. Moreover, butter is not a type of fat that can be used for energy production, as does the coconut oil we use. Dairy products can also cause increased mucous production in the body as well as digestive difficulties. The impact on your body of eating such products over time can be potentially detrimental. That being said, we don’t believe in deprivation, and think that everyone should indulge every now and then – but when you’re eating a healthier version of your favorite treats, you can indulge more often! Because we strive for our goodies to taste just as great as those that you’re traditionally used to eating, it’s a no-brainer! Our goal is for even those without allergies to love our treats! 

Simply said, we hope to be a low-guilt, healthier alternative for those who just want to be more mindful of how their diet impacts their weight, health and overall wellbeing. 


4.What gluten-free flours do you use? 
We use a variety of flours including, brown and white rice flour, sorghum flour, garbanzo bean/chickpea flour and fava bean flour. 


5. What kind of oil do you use? 
We choose to use our favorite oil - organic coconut oil – in our products. Coconut oil is a non-hydrogenated, naturally saturated oil that does not contain any trans-fatty acids. Coconut oil contains lauric acid, which has been found to contain anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties, making it beneficial for our immune systems. Coconut oil is predominantly made up of medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) which are converted into energy and do not store as fat. MCTs actually help the body metabolize and burn fat more efficiently. 


6. Do you use any genetically modified ingredients (GMOs)? 
None of our ingredients are genetically modified. 


7. What's the minimum requirement to become a vendor?

While there isn't a specific requirement as long as your shop located 30miles within our production site we'll able set up daily delivery. Please use the contact us page and tell us which product you're interested in, our team member will be in touch with you immediately. 







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